
New Repository

// Some code
A.Create a new Repository on Bitbucket
   1. login: Bigbucket  
   2. Create-> Select Repository -> Select Web Applications -> Create a new repository
        Project: Web Applications
        Repository name: @@@@@
        Access level: private repository
        Include a README? No
        Default branch name:
        Include .gitignore? No <======
        Create repository

   3. Copy URL:
        https://*****@bitbucket.org/team/*****.git [Remote URL]
// Some code
B.Create a git connection using Visual Studio
    1. Open Visual Studio,(right side) Get started, Clone a repository

    2. Repository location: [Remote URL]
        Path: Create a new folder under \git-steven\
        Press the Clone button, connect to the Bitbucke

    3. Copy old projects files into the new folder
        - A. copy .gitignore
        - B. copy \UI (do not include node_modules folder, use 'npm i' to generate)
        - C. copy \Auth, \App, \PowerBI

    4. Commit and Push

Last updated

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