Developer Guide

Code first update model and deploy

Bulid database

  1. Delete database MAF_dev (if existed)

  2. At Package Manager Console (generate tables)

(a). Select MyAbilityFirst.Infrastructure.Auth

   update-database     ==> (create tables)

(b). Select MyAbilityFirst.Infrastructure.Data

   updata-database     ==> (create all other tables)

3. Select MyAbilityFirst.Infrastructure.Data\SQL

a. Select seed.sql b. Connect SQL Server(local or Azure), Select database name: MAF_dev c. Execute

Add or Change model

get-migrations (check migrations status) get-help entityframework (help)

Add new table (model)

At \MyAbilityFirst.Infrastructure.Data

  1. In the class MyAbilityFirstDbContext Add: (for example) public DbSet UserAttachments { get; set; }

  2. In the OnModelCreating(DbModelBuilder modelBuilder) Add:(for example) modelBuilder.Entity().ToTable("UserAttachment");

Change table (model)

At \MyAbilityFirst.Infrastructure.Data

add-migration name: AddUrltoTablePicture (for example)

<<Change anything in up() function which generated>>


Delete bad Migration

At \MyAbilityFirst.Infrastructure.Data

Update-database -TargetMigration: [last good migration name]

Select bad migration, mouse right key, Exclude from project (or delete bad in VS and remove code in .csproj)


Check _MigratonHistory table and .csproj


Add-Migration [full name of migration] -Force

Merge two branch

At migration folder, select and add some migration have not include in VS.

  1. Update-database -TargetMigration: [second last good migration name]

  2. Exclude new migrations from project

  3. Include one by one migration Add-Migration [full name of migration]

  4. Finally, update-database

Deploy to Azure

  1. In VS, Open Solution Exploer window

  2. Select defalut project

  3. Mouse right key menu, select Publish

  4. At Profile tag, select Microsoft Azure App Service as publish target

  5. Publish

*** Do not forget to change "connectionString" for local or Azure ***

Last updated