Add parameter to PowerBI report
// Add parameters to PowerBI report: (**** This part is not necessary ****)
1. open PowerBI report .pbix uses PowerBI Desktop.
2. go to Edit query
3. select a column, right mouse key
4. select Add as New Query
5. at New Query, right mouse key
6. select Remove Duplicates
7. may change the poperies (Name)
// Add parameters in Url for PowerBI report query filter:
The syntax is: ?filter=<Table name>/<Column name> eq <'value'>
***************(very important) *************
-- Table and column names Case sensitive
***************(very important) *************
customerFilter1: "?filter=stock/CUSTOMER eq '", ///stock: table name, CUSTOMER: Column name
customerFilter2: "' and stock/CUSTOMER eq '",
1. One value query via URL, append below code in URL:
?filter=Store/Territory eq 'Go NC'
2. More than on value:
?filter=Store/Territory eq 'NC' and Store/Chain eq 'Fashions Direct'
?filter=Store/Territory in ('NC', 'TN')
-- if have '/ReportSection?experience=power-bi' is end of url, use '&' instead by '?'
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