IEEE-754 Floating Point Converter
// 64 bit (double)
# 64 bit floats are represented by IEEE 754 floating-point format (not 32 bits)
## 1. float to binary 64 bit
## 2. binary 64 to float
import struct
# float64 to binary64
def floatToBinary64(value):
val = struct.unpack('Q', struct.pack('d', value))[0]
getBin = lambda x: x > 0 and str(bin(x))[2:] or "-" + str(bin(x))[3:]
return getBin(val)
# binary64 to float64
def binary64ToFloat(value):
hx = hex(int(value, 2))
return struct.unpack("d", struct.pack("q", int(hx, 16)))[0]
## begin
float_val = 19.5
bin64str = floatToBinary64(float_val)
print('Binary 64 equivalent of '+ str(float_val) + ':\n' + bin64str + '\n')
# binary64 to float64
float64_val = binary64ToFloat(bin64str)
print('Decimal float(IEEE745 floating-point 64) equivalent of ' + bin64str + ':\n' + str(float64_val))
Binary 64 equivalent of 19.5: 100000000110011100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 Decimal float(IEEE745 floating-point 64) equivalent of 100000000110011100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000: 19.5
// 32 bit (single)
# 32 bit floats are represented by IEEE 754 floating-point format (not 64 bits)
### Decimal (32) to float 32 (IEEE-745)
## 1. decimal to 32-bit binary string
## 2. binary 32 to float
## 3. float to bianary 32
########## 32 bit range ##########
###### DEC: 4,294,967,295
###### BIN: 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111
import struct
# decimal(32) to binstr
def decimalToBinary(value):
if value < 0: #Base case if number is a negative
return 'Not positive'
elif value == '0': #Base case if number is zero
return 0
return str(decimalToBinary(value//2)) + str((value%2))
# binary32 str to float
def binToFloat32(bin32str):
f = int(bin32str, 2)
float_val = struct.unpack('f', struct.pack('I', f))[0]
return float_val
# float to binary32
def floatToBinary32(num):
bits, = struct.unpack('!I', struct.pack('!f', num))
return "{:032b}".format(bits)
## sample bin data <<<
print ('---------------------------')
print (binToFloat32('01000001101011000111101011100001'))
print (binToFloat32('11000001101011000111101011100001'))
print (binToFloat32('0111111011001100110011001100110'))
print ('---------------------------\n')
# begin
dec_val = 1056964608 # 1063675494 # DEC: 1108613663 -> floating-point: 37.025508880615234
bin32str= decimalToBinary(dec_val)
print('Decimal(32) equivalent of '+ str(dec_val) + ':\n' + bin32str + '\n')
float32_val = binToFloat32(bin32str)
print('Decimal Float(IEEE745 floating-point 32) equivalent of ' + bin32str + ':\n' + str(float32_val)+'\n')
bin32str = floatToBinary32(float32_val)
print('Binary 32 equivalent of '+ str(float32_val) + ':\n' + bin32str + '\n')
Decimal(32) equivalent of 1056964608:
Decimal Float(IEEE745 floating-point 32) equivalent of 0111111000000000000000000000000:
Binary 32 equivalent of 0.5:
# decimal to float (IEEE-754)
def ieee_754_conversion(dec_val):
bin32str = decimalToBinary(dec_val)
float32_val = binToFloat32(bin32str)
return float32_val
Last updated