
Add Citation in the EndNote:

  • Select RIS, Download, Run: Citation

  • Insert reference in the Word:

A. In Text & Reference list:

In Word: 1. Menu->EndNote X9 2. Insert Citation ->Insert Citation 3. Search->[Find] 4. Select->[Insert]->Insert & Display as: Author (Year)

B. Reference list only: In Endnote: Select paper->Right Mouse->Copy Format In Word: Ctrl + V

Add EndNote in Word

  1. 方法1: In word, File-Options (文件-选项) Add-Ins (加载项)

    COM Ad-ins (COM 加载项), Go (转到) If CWYW is installed, then EndNote Cite While You Write will appear as one of the add-ins available.


    C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\ResearchSoft\Cwyw\19\EndNote Cwyw.dll

  2. 方法2:

    • 文件→bai选项→加载项→转du到→添zhi加→EndNote Cwyw.dll

    • EndNote Cwyw.dll 存放位置:将安dao装文件里面的zhuan“EndNote Cwyw.dll”复制到shuC:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\AddIns

  3. 方法3:EndNote X8 以后版本有效 打开Endnote安装目录,找到Configure Endnote应用程序 D:\Program Files\EndNote X9 勾选Configure Endnote Components,一直确定就可以了。

re: https://unimelb.libguides.com/c.php?g=403235&p=2744653


IEEE Xplore to Endnote

Export-> Citations-> Format(RIS),Include(Citation & Abstract) ->Export

Download PDFs->Download

A maximum of 10 PDFs can be downloaded at a time.

Importing existing PDFs into EndNote:

Method one: EndNote -> Import -> File -> Import-> Folder.

Method two: EndNote->Edit->Preferences->PDF Handling-> PDF Auto Import Folder [Enable automatic importing]

if use method two, need copy *.pdf to a folder, then EndNote will move to the folder Imported.

Creating a reference list from EndNote to Word

  1. In EndNote, select one or more, Ctrl+A (Mouse right key, select Copy Formatted)

  2. In Word, Paste


Download: apa_7th_uts_2.ens - APA 7th edition style Harvard_(UTS)_8.ens - Harvard (UTS) style

open the downloaded file In EndNote, File->Save as Go to Edit > Output Styles > Open Style Manager -> Select the new style Go to Edit > Output Styles > Select the new style

If the in-text citation does not have the correct format, please do:

In the Word, top menu => EndNote X9 select : Instant Formatting is ON

if it shows ON, you need OFF, then, ON, a window will display, just press ok.

Find full textd

EndNode->Edit->Preferences->Find Full Text go to : https://studyguides.lib.uts.edu.au/endnote/finding_fulltext

copy address into OpenURL Path and Authenticate with OpenURL Path:https://search.lib.uts.edu.au/discovery/openurl?institution=61UTS_INST&vid=61UTS_INST:61UTS& Authenticate with: https://sso.lib.uts.edu.au/cas/login

Last updated

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