PowerBI embed app - Client

This is a Angualr UI that be used to display Power BI report

Power BI web portal


Workspace->Create a workspace->New -->wiseclient -->Access-> PowerBIGroup ->select Admin

workspaces->Reports->select wiseclient/ Copy URL https://app.powerbi.com/groups/******/reports/******/ReportSection

get [Workspace id] and [Report id]

  • Workspace id(afer ../groups/): ******

  • Report id (after ../reports/): ******

Power BI Desktop

  1. Create new Power BI app: new -> Get Data ->select Azure Data Explorer (Kusto)-> -> Connect: cluster: https://nwiiot.australiaeast.kusto.windows.net Data Connectivity mode: DirectQuery (duration: 15 min) -> Ok

     DATABASE: SampleDb -> Transform Data
  2. Data type convert and design:

    A. Change (ABC)change type->(1.2)Decimal Number, 
       = Table.TransformColumnTypes(Speed1,{{"Speed", type number}})
    B. add text fillter (Enabled equal 1)
      = Table.SelectRows(#"Changed Type", each [SpeedEnabled] = "1")
    C. Add a local time column, (does not support for DirectQuery)
       = DateTime.LocalNow())
    D. In timestamp column, press top tab of Add column, select Time->  Local Time
       Column = [timestamp] + #duration(0,10,30,0)    //add 10 hours + 30min
    E. Change (ABC)change type->Date/Time
    F. Filter is in day (Today, Tomorrow, Yesterday)
    G. close & apply
    H. add new column
    	Modeling-> New Column
    	NewLocalTime = 'tablename'[timestamp] + 5/24
    I. Add field and select visualizations
  3. Publish to Power BI web portal

Add Workspace Access - (https://www.powerbi.com/)

create new workspace, 
go to My workspace, at the name of Workspacs, select [Workspace Access]
input PowerBIGroup (create by Azure portal), Add

Setting in Power BI Desktop

File-> Options and settings ->Options

GLOBAL ->DirectQuery ->select [Allow Unrestricted Measure} ->Preview features->select[Azure map visual] ->Security -> select[Map and Filled Map visuals]

CURRENT FILE ->Regional settings-> Locale for import-> English(Australia) ->Report setting-> select [Allow reporters to personalize visuals to suit their needs]

Azure Data Explorer

Settings->General->Time Zone

Power BI web portal

At right top ... select Setting, Scheduled refresh, 15 minutes

Update parameter in Angualr UI

  • set [Workspace id] and [Report id] in constants.ts of Angular UI,

  • run API App to get embedUrl and accessToken

ng run build

Last updated

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